8 Tips to Unlocking Success with a Partner Advisory Council

We are often asked by vendors about the value of a Partner Advisory Council (PAC). In this dynamic landscape of modern business, where collaboration is often touted as the key to success, we believe a well-run PAC can be a game-changer in shaping the partner relationship. In this article, we will explore the concept of a Partner Advisory Council, its significance, and how it can elevate your business to new heights.

The PAC Unveiled

Let’s begin with the basics. What exactly is a Partner Advisory Council, and why should you care about it?

A Partner Advisory Council is a select group of partners, often representing diverse segments and regions, who collaborate with a company’s leadership to provide insights, feedback, and guidance. They act as a bridge between the partner ecosystem and the company, serving as a valuable resource for both parties.

The primary goals of a PAC are to:

  • Enhance Communication: It provides a formal platform for open dialogue between a company and its partners. This fosters transparency and trust.
  • Collect Feedback: The council serves as a sounding board for partners, giving them an opportunity to voice concerns, share experiences, and provide feedback on products, programs, and strategies.
  • Drive Innovation: By tapping into the collective wisdom of diverse partners, companies can gain fresh perspectives and innovative ideas, leading to the development of better products and services.
  • Boost Partner Loyalty: Involving partners in decision-making processes and showing that their opinions matter increases their commitment and loyalty to the company.
  • Better alignment: It can help non-channel-centric stakeholders understand the needs of partners, and create better alignment between the vendor and the partner to drive a shared vision

Tips for Building an Effective PAC

Creating a successful Partner Advisory Council requires careful planning and execution. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

  1. Identify Key Objectives: Before forming a PAC, clarify your goals. What do you want to achieve through this council? Whether it’s improving product quality, expanding market reach, or enhancing partner relationships, defining clear objectives is crucial.
  2. Select the Right Partners: Carefully choose partners who are committed, knowledgeable, and represent a diverse cross-section of your partner ecosystem. Ensure that they are willing to invest time and effort in the council’s activities.
  3. Develop a Governance Structure: Establish a clear governance structure that defines roles, responsibilities, and term limits for council members. This structure should include a chairperson or facilitator to lead meetings and keep discussions on track.
  4. Regular Meetings: Hold regular meetings, whether quarterly, semi-annually, or annually, to review progress, address issues, and gather input from council members. These meetings can be in-person or virtual, depending on the geographical spread of your partners.
  5. Facilitation: It is a good idea if there is a meeting chairperson (this can be a rotating PAC member) or an independent experienced facilitator to help guide and facilitate the meeting, as there will most likely be differing opinions and points of view being raised.
  6. Maintain Transparency: Transparency is key to a successful PAC. Share relevant information with council members beforehand, and be open to their feedback and suggestions. Remember, the council’s purpose is to serve as a conduit for honest and constructive conversations.
  7. Act on Feedback: It’s not enough to collect feedback; you must act on it. Use the insights and recommendations from the council to drive real change within your organization. Demonstrating that you value their input will strengthen the partnership.
  8. Recognize and Reward: Show appreciation to council members for their time and contributions. Recognize their efforts through awards, incentives, or other forms of acknowledgment.

Benefits Beyond the Boardroom

A Partner Advisory Council isn’t just about improving your business; it can have far-reaching benefits that extend beyond the boardroom.

  • Strengthened Relationships: By involving partners in strategic discussions and decision-making, you demonstrate your commitment to their success. This strengthens the trust and rapport between your company and its partners.
  • Competitive Advantage: The insights and feedback gathered through a PAC can give your company a competitive edge. You can stay ahead of market trends and proactively address challenges, ensuring your products and services remain relevant and desirable.
  • Innovation Engine: A diverse council can be a wellspring of innovation. Partners often bring fresh ideas and perspectives that can inspire the development of groundbreaking solutions.
  • Enhanced Customer Experience: As you fine-tune your products and services based on partner input, your customers ultimately benefit from improved offerings, leading to higher satisfaction and loyalty.

The Challenges of PAC

While a Partner Advisory Council offers numerous benefits, it’s not without its challenges. Here are some common pitfalls to watch out for:

  • Lack of Engagement: If council members don’t feel their input is valued or if their feedback isn’t acted upon, they may disengage, defeating the purpose of the council
  • Selecting the Wrong Partners: Choosing the wrong partners for the council can hinder progress. Ensure that council members are committed and represent a diverse cross-section of your partner ecosystem
  • Becoming Defensive: Vendors who respond to every criticism by jumping in and defending their actions tend to stifle open communication as partners feel that you don’t want to hear bad news. This is where an independent 3rd-party facilitator can be so valuable in uncovering the issues
  • Overlooking Confidentiality: Sensitive business information may be discussed in council meetings. It’s crucial to establish trust and maintain confidentiality to create a safe space for open dialogue
  • Failure to Act: Collecting feedback is just the first step. Failing to act on the insights and recommendations from the council can lead to frustration and disillusionment among council members


In an era where collaboration and innovation are the cornerstones of success, a Partner Advisory Council stands out as a powerful tool for businesses. It’s a platform that fosters trust, drives innovation, and strengthens partnerships. When executed with care and commitment, a PAC can unlock the full potential of your partner ecosystem, propelling your business to new heights of success.