How Donkey Kong Took Nicki Page To The Top

We know that we need to encourage more women into careers in the IT Industry. We also know that women are just as capable when it comes to technology as men. What is more puzzling to us however is where that encouragement comes from.

This article has been written by a woman who has forged a fabulous career for herself in the IT Industry – Nikki Page, CEO of MOQdigital. What is interesting is how she was encouraged into her career in IT. It seems that,, like many things when it comes to raising children, it all starts at home. An interest in technology doesn’t always develop by itself when it comes to young girls. We need to introduce our girls to technology from a young age, at home, and encourage them to learn, explore and develop their love for technology. Start this when they are young and you could be pleasantly surprised as to where it might take them.

Read this article in full to learn about Nikki’s journey and why she credits her Dad for getting her involved and interested in IT from a young age.

  CRN: How Donkey Kong Took Nicki Page To The Top